Extended Learning Opportunities - article thumnail image
Get Your Yearbooks Now! - article thumnail image

Get Your Yearbooks Now!

Yearbooks currently being sold for $40! Click the banner for more information
Pastries with the Principal - article thumnail image

Pastries With The Principal

Click for more information on our meeting dates for Pastries with the Principal
SCC & ELAC Meetings - article thumnail image

SCC & ELAC Meetings

See our dates for the School Site Council and English Learners Advisory Meetings! Click for more information
Parent Involvement Opportunities - article thumnail image

Lake Parent Involvement Opportunities

School Site Council and English Language Advisory Committee meetings are opportunities to review and reflect upon Lake's School Site Plan for the 2023-2024 school year. It also is the decision and planning committee for the 2024-2025 school year.  Th…
Lake PE Clothes - article thumnail image

PE Clothes

Lake PE clothes can be purchased during Dragon Days or during PE classes. Acceptable payments are cash or checks. Students will not be dressing out during the first week of class. Click to view the flyer with prices

Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Greetings Lake Scholars and Families,


Lake Intermediate is very excited to welcome each of you to the 2024-2025 school year. Lake staff is eager to reconnect with our 8th grade scholars and get to know each of our new incoming Dragons.  

My name is Denise Kirkman and I am Lake Intermediate’s principal.  This is my 27th year working in Garden Grove Unified School District in which I have served as an Assistant Principal at both the Intermediate and High school level, Teacher on Special Assignment, as well as an Intermediate and elementary school teacher. 

Lake is proud in supporting Garden Grove School District Goals as we work to prepare students for life in high school and beyond.  Intermediate school is a very important time as our scholars transition from children into teenagers.  There are many challenges that go with this time but also many exciting experiences awaiting them at Lake. Lake is focused on achieving GGUSD District goal #2, which is to help students feel connected to school to foster motivation.  Students will experience how to develop scholarly habits that will support GGUSD District Goal # 1 to ensure they are ready for high school.  Lake community’s mission is to cultivate a welcoming and positive culture where students and staff are motivated to learn and excel, and that is accomplished by teaching our students to breathe F.I.R.E! Our scholars will learn skills to help them Focus, demonstrate Integrity, be Respectful, and achieve Excellence.  Our ultimate goal is for all Lake students to feel safe and supported at school so they can build up their confidence to take academic risks that lead them to reaching their full potential.

Lake has been recognized aa California Honor Roll  and a No Place for Hate School.  The California Honor Roll program recognizes school districts and schools that have outperformed their peers in closing the achievement gaps particularly among higher-poverty student populations.  The recognition shines a light on districts that are driving a culture where students learn fundamental skills that employers are looking for. This honor is aacknowledgment of all the hard work our staff is doing to help Lake scholars reach GGUSD Goal 3 and be future business leaders in the world.  

Lake Intermediate is here to serve and support all students and families as they are heart of our noble profession. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us via  Parent Square, email, by telephone, or just come visit the office, our doors are open to you. 

Respectfully Yours,

Denise Kirkman, Principal


Our School

Welcome Lake scholars and parents/guardians!

At Lake Intermediate, our teachers and staff strive to provide daily enriching opportunities for all our scholars. Lake's mission is to cultivate a welcoming and positive culture where students and staff are motivated to learn and excel. Lake proudly supports GGUSD District Academic, Goal 1, and Personal skills, Goal 2, to prepare every student for life long success, Goal 3. 

It is through our partnership with Lake's community and families that we are able to make our mission a reality. . Here at Lake, we highly value the meaning of family and the importance of it in our students' schooling experiences. Educators work alongside parents to provide a quality, supportive education. Parents can get information about involvement at Lake through parent square,  flyers sent home with students, the district and school websites, and the school marquee. We look forward to welcoming more parent volunteers to coordinate events and expand their own education through our discussions at our quarterly Pastries with the Principal and through our Parent Education classes. 

The Lake staff is like no other as shown by their dedication to the students as they work beyond the school day.  The Extended Learning Opportunities  (ELO) allow Lake scholars to not only make connections during the school day but also before and after school.  The ELOs support students in  meeting their academic potential as well as support their socio-emotional development. There is something for everyone at Lake as we work for students to build trusted relationships and develop confidence in who they are so they are ready for life in high school and beyond. We are proud of our involved students and thank them for their yearly participation in making Lake a positive and safe learning environment. Please see Lake's Website for the most updated ELOs offered at Lake. 

Lake has implemented bilingual education into the academic curriculum through ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee), which assists students whose first language is not English. Parents of English Learners are on the committee to help assist these students. Our educators and staff understand that incorporating a student's native language into their learning establishes a sense of comfort that is guaranteed to facilitate learning. With that being broached, our ELAC's involvement has helped many scholars come out of their shell and create friendships despite challenging language barriers.

Our student awards celebrate the achievement and potential that our scholars have exerted. Lake scholars' success is celebrated in our Honor Roll Celebrations, student of the month awards, Annual Department Awards as well as P.B.I.S awards.   The culmination of student success is celebrated at the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony where students, staff, family, and community members come together to honor the achievement of our Lake Scholars. 

We appreciate your parental support and look forward to our students thriving this school year! For questions or concerns, please visit us at our front office.